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Horizen's blockchain technology platform empowers users to transact and communicate securely through Sphere by Horizen, their flagship application. Horizen's native cryptocurrency, ZEN, uses advanced ("zero-knowledge") cryptography for optional privacy. Their sidechain implementation and Software Development Kit (SDK) enables the development of public or private secure and scalable blockchain applications utilizing Horizen's open source technology and public infrastructure.


Sep 29, 2023

In episode nine of Beyond the Horizen, we are joined by Manon Boudoux, Marketing associate at Horizen and Jon Simpson, Community Manager at Horizen Labs. Together, we discuss the impact of the Horizen DAO launch on the community and where we see us growing now that it has officially launched!

- EON:

Sep 1, 2023

In episode eight of Beyond the Horizen, we are joined by John Camardo, Director of Product at Horizen Labs, and Manon Boudoux, Marketing associate at Horizen. Together, we discuss the latest improvement proposal - ZenIP 42206: Redirecting Secure Node Rewards to Horizen EON.

We will have an AMA to discuss this...

Beyond the Horizen Episode 7 - Behind the Horizen EON Alpha Launch

Jul 31, 2023

In episode seven of the Beyond the Horizen, we are joined by Rob Viglione, co-founder of Horizen and Horizen Labs, and Zain Cheng, CTO of Horizen Labs and head of engineering at Horizen. Together we discuss the alpha launch of Horizen. What it is and what you can expect from this exciting milestone for our project.


Jun 30, 2023

In episode six of the Beyond the Horizen podcast, we welcome Markus and Serena from the Horizen Lab's cryptography team to discuss what cryptography is, what it's like to work in the space, and how Horizen and Horizen Labs utilize cryptographic proofs.


May 16, 2023

In episode four of the Beyond the Horizen podcast, the focus is on security within the Horizen ecosystem. The hosts are joined by special guest James Shuman, Head of Security at Horizen Labs, and co-host Ben Sherman. They discuss the recent launch of Horizen EON's permanent test net called Gobi, which is designed for...