Dec 27, 2019
Horizen team member Jonas Rubel joins our friends at Crypto Core
Radio to discuss our project, technology, and more.
Horizen's blockchain technology platform empowers users to transact and communicate securely through Sphere by Horizen, their flagship...
Dec 26, 2019
Update from Horizen team hosted by:
Co-founder and Team Lead - Rob Viglione (@finpunk), Rolf Versluis
(@blockops), Rosario Pabst (@zench1ck)
December 20, 2019, Weekly team updates from the following divisions:
* Engineering
* Node network
* Product/UX
* Customer service/Helpdesk
* Legal
* Business development
Dec 25, 2019
CryptoDave interviews Rolf Versluis - Co-founder of Horizen.
Horizen's blockchain technology platform empowers users to transact and communicate securely through Sphere by Horizen, their flagship application. Horizen's native cryptocurrency, ZEN, uses advanced ("zero-knowledge")...
Dec 23, 2019
"The HDE solves two problems. The first problem, people don't know what to work on. The second problem is that expectations were always that you participate for free."
Watch Rob's latest interview with Nick Hellmann to learn more about the Horizen Developer Environment. Original here:
Dec 19, 2019
Update from Horizen team hosted by:
Co-founder and Team Lead - Rob Viglione (@finpunk), Rolf Versluis
(@blockops), Rosario Pabst (@zench1ck)
December 19, 2019, Weekly team updates from the following divisions:
* Engineering
* Node network
* Product/UX
* Customer service/Helpdesk
* Legal
* Business development